Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Andrew decided to pick out his own clothes one morning.

When he came out I couldn't help but burst out laughing. An Old Navy flag tee, turquoise and orange plaid shorts, and grey wool socks! He got tickled because I was laughing so hard and just laughed along with me. When he got done laughing, he said, "What? Are my socks inside out?" HA! I said, "Andrew, that is a very interesting outfit you have there." His reply? "Thanks, Mama!"


We were discussing Heaven one night after dinner. Here is how the conversation went:

Andrew: Heaven is the best place ever! Jesus might take you on a jet or rocket through outer space to get there, we don't know!

Me: It IS the best place ever!

Andrew: Everybody loves to go there!

Me: Well, not everybody gets to go there. You can't go there if you have any sin in your heart. Everybody has sin, so we have to get rid of it to get in Heaven. (I explained in super simple terms about salvation.) Me and Daddy have done that, so we get to go to Heaven. I hope one day you will do that too!

Andrew: (trembling lip and eyes welling up) I don't want to go to Heaven!

Me: Why?!

Andrew: I don't want to DIE!

Me: Don't worry sweetie, most people die when they are really old.

Andrew: (big smile) And we're not old! We're new!


Discussion about grandparents on the way to NeNe's house:

Me: When you grow up and have kids, I'll be their grandmother.

Andrew: Thanks!


We've read a certain book lots of times in the last couple of days, so now Andrew "reads" it to me. He gets a few words messed up when he tells the story. When it gets to the part about a yellow jacket, he calls it a "flying coat"!


When waiting to eat at a hibachi grill, Andrew was so nervous that it was going to be loud and scary. He plugged his ears and squeezed his eyes closed as soon as we sat down. After assuring him that fire wasn't going to hit his face, I asked him on a scale of 1 to 10 how nervous he was. He replied, "I'm 20 nervous!"

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. ~Proverbs 17:22

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