Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Midweek Randoms...

Well, I will one day get around to posting the next installment of Benjamin's NICU journey. I promise! It's just really time consuming to sit and remember details, find pictures, and then try to cohesively type out your thoughts. Especially when the only time that I write on this blog is at night after the children go to bed and everything else is done. My brain is GONE by this time of night! So instead, I am going to write about random thoughts that I have this week. I have seen some posts like this on other blogs called "brain dumps". That's about all I have in me to do tonight! So here goes:

  • I see all over facebook tonight that Duck Dynasty is starting a new season. I never get to watch it in real time because we have choir practice after church until 8:30 on Wednesday nights, and then I have to come home and get all the kids to bed, which is never done by 9. (I obviously live in the dark ages because we don't have dvr.) I've caught some reruns in the past, but my most vivid memory of that show will always be watching it in the hospital room the night after I was admitted in preterm labor with Benjamin. Brad always works on Wed nights, so he never gets to watch it either. That night we just sat and watched the new episode and tons of reruns, which were all new to us, and laughed and laughed. It felt good to laugh!
  • I have had the same piles of clean, folded laundry sitting on one of the living room couches for about a week. What can I say, sometimes it's just easier to get everyone dressed off the couch!
  • This week I broke out the original Memory game for Andrew and I to play with. It was so fun! He was great at it, and even had compassion on his little brother and helped him get matches when it was his turn. It was sweet. However, I realized we had a problem when I pulled the cards out of the box. The first thing Andrew said when he saw the cards was, "Hey! The backs of these cards look just like Target! Red circles!" Ya think we've been frequenting Target a little too much lately? (If you click on the picture, it gets bigger. There really are little red circles all over the backs of the cards. :)

  • I took the two big boys to well checks at the doctor all by myself this week. That is a big deal folks. Not that I took them somewhere by myself, but THE DOCTOR. I hate doctor appointments for the kids so much. Ever since Andrew was born Brad has always come along and been the "strong one" to hold them for the shots. Then he lets me grab them up and cuddle them. Not this week. Brad had to sleep for work that night, so I was on my own. The boys did great! There was only one shot among them (poor Isaac), but he and I handled it just fine! The skittles I brought along helped, also the promise of a treat from the Target dollar spot afterward (see, I have a Target problem). 
  • I really wish Benjamin would decide to sleep a little longer at night. I realize he is only supposed to be 2 months old, but maybe he could just cut it down to once a night? That would be super nice. 
  • A couple of weeks ago I started seeing all my teacher friends on facebook getting back to set up their classrooms for the new year. I started reminiscing about how exciting this time of year used to be for me when I taught. A new beginning. A clean slate. Organizing, crafting, brainstorming (although Pinterest wasn't around yet, boo.) Ahhh. Now I'm seeing all of them post about the first day coming up and I remember the stress, craziness, sleepless nights (kinda like I still have, for other reasons :) and I am so happy that I am HOME.
  • And just for fun, (some of you have seen this on Facebook) this is how Isaac rolls while watching tv. Ha! His girlfriends will see this one day!
Well, this has been fun (and easy)! I might have to do it more often. I promise to be back with more NICU journey soon! 

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~Romans 15:13

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