Monday, July 29, 2013

Family Date Day

Have y'all ever had a time period in your life that was just soooo busy that you felt like you never even got to see your own family? I'm sure you have! That's where we were this weekend. There have been lots of things going on in the past couple of weeks, and some of them have involved the whole family, however, not just the 5 of us together. We felt it was high time for a family date day on Saturday!

We started out by sleeping in (it wouldn't be a great Saturday otherwise!). We are very blessed that our kids like to sleep in too. Of course, there were a few night time feeding calls from ole Benjamin, but he let us go back to sleep afterwards :) Then we headed to town to have some fun!

Since we ate a really late breakfast, we just grabbed some Chick-fil-a fries for lunch. We shopped in Target for a little while for some summer clearance stuff. The boys love to ride in the Target carts that have the little double seats on the front. We then ran by a shoe store and Old Navy (which ended with visiting the mannequins for awhile :) 

We had a little time to kill before dinner, so we took the boys to Barnes and Noble to play with the train table. They LOVE that place! I always love to observe how my kids act while playing with other kids. We see some things we're proud of, and some things we need to work on! I had to remind Andrew of the verse that we are learning together a couple of times: "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16. 

It was a nice feeding/changing diaper pit stop for Benjamin too! Before we know it, he'll be playing at the train table too!

When we left the bookstore, we headed to a Japanese place for our family date night meal. We took the boys about a year ago, but the hibachi grill scared Andrew, so we haven't been back. We thought they would both really enjoy it now, so we talked it up BIG on the way. When we were seated, this is what Andrew looked like (his eyes were also closed most of the time):

Isaac wasn't looking toooo scared :)

And of course, sweet Benjamin. So thankful to be able to take him anywhere at all!

In the end, they all loved it and can't wait to go back. Andrew has very enthusiastically retold the events of dinner to everybody who will listen. He thinks he wants to be a "cooker guy" now!

We ended the day with a trip to a local park. Andrew and Isaac are getting brave on playground equipment! They about give me a heart attack! We were all worn out (partly because of no naps) by the time we got home, but it was the good kind of worn out. If you don't do family date days, I HIGHLY recommend it every once in a while. It's good for the soul :) Next up.... trying to find time for a mommy/daddy date! Hmmmm, that might be a little more difficult! :) 

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. ~Psalm 16:19

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